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If we are to faithfully reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel, we must have a love for those in our own community who don’t have a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. The Great Commission begins in our Jerusalem (Acts 1:8). That’s why we minister to our friends and neighbors.


To have the greatest impact on our community, we encourage every member and church participant to be involved in community ministry and church ministry. Many opportunities exist that need your skills, interests, and/or experiences.


You can find details of each opportunity in our weekly bulletin. You may volunteer for any of the opportunities listed by filling out the form below. In the “I Volunteered For” box, please include the event(s) you wish to participate in. 


Partnerships in our community are important to us. We partner with Mossy Oaks Elementary School, Salvation Army, Stuart Towne Apartments, Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA), and Beaufort Housing Authority to reflect Christ’s love. Through annual community events such as National Night Out, Operation Christmas Child, Trunk-or-Treat on Halloween, and water giveaways during the summer at the Port Royal Farmers Market, we want to be salt and light to those around us and impact our community and world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Partnerships with other Southern Baptist churches are important as well. Locally, we contribute a percentage of our undesignated receipts to the Savannah River Baptist Association which is a network of churches in Beaufort and Jasper Counties. We cooperate at the state and national levels by giving a percentage of our undesignated receipts to support missions and ministry through the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program. Through this partnership with 40,000+ other Southern Baptist churches, we are able to fully fund 5,000 missionaries and their families serving in North America and around the globe. We are able to do far more with other churches than we could ever do on our own.




However, missions is not just about giving… it is about going as well. Our students and adults have participated in many mission trips to Lynch, Kentucky to provide goods and services to this impoverished community. We are prayerfully seeking additional missions opportunities for our church family within our state, country, and internationally. 


Pure Water, Pure Love

This ministry by the WMU provides clean water around the world. You are encouraged to enjoy a clean, refreshing bottle of water, and then use it as a bank to fill it with loose change. Please contact the WMU director for details on deadlines here.

 Learn more about this project.


Operation Christmas Child

This ministry by Samaritan’s Purse provides local partners with shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene items and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Learn more about this project.


Christmas Backpacks for Appalachia

This ministry is a partnership between South Carolina WMU and Appalachian Mountain Ministry. It provides filled Christmas backpacks as a tangible expression of Christ’s love for each child and teen in one of our country’s most impoverished areas. Learn more about this project

Migrant Ministry

This ministry is a partnership of all Savannah River Baptist Association’s churches. It provides migrants who work the farms of St. Helena Island with health kits and opportunities to be ministered to and cared for.


Mossy Oaks Elementary School

Collecting “Box Tops for Education” and Campbell’s Soup labels. This is a year-round project. Please bring donations to the Missions Foyer located in the room on the left side of the pulpit.

Ronald McDonald House

Collecting tabs from aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. This is a year-round project. Please bring donations to the Missions Foyer located in the room on the left side of the pulpit.


Salvation Army

Collecting Food donations for Salvation Army every first Sunday. This is a year-round project. Please bring donations to the Missions Foyer located in the room on the left side of the pulpit.


In Loving Memory

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