Discover God's Power and Plan Through Uncompromised Teaching.
Core Beliefs & Important Information
What We Believe
Our church family believes, preaches, and teaches that the Bible is God’s complete and inspired Word to us. We believe in Christ’s love and doing our best to model it inside and outside the walls of our church. We believe families are the cornerstone to a healthy society and that mission work helps to bolster an individual’s opportunity to grow in Christ while benefiting others who need it most. We believe in being prayerfully cooperative to achieve goals that seem insurmountable. Additionally, we affirm the “Baptist Faith and Message” which represents what the majority of Southern Baptists adhere to.
Our deacons and leadership provide security. Many have military experience and all have passed background checks.
Nursery & Childcare Services
Childcare is provided for infants through age 4 during all regular service times. Our trained workers are all members of our church and have successfully passed background checks to care for children under 18. This is our Child Protection Policy. Because we care about children so much, we ask that when you sign your child in, please list any pertinent medical conditions and take a pager in the event your child needs you. Additionally, you may also leave a number you may be texted at if the current childcare worker has the ability to do so. Feel free to get to know our childcare workers and know that they are honored you are trusting them to care for your child.
Regular Service Times – Please don’t stress if you’re late.
*Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:45 am.
*Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 11:00 am.
*Children’s Church begins when prompted during the Sunday Morning Worship Service. It is for children in kindergarten through 5th grade.
*Sunday Evening Pastor’s Bible Study begins at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center.
*Wednesday Church Supper begins at 5:30 pm in the Family Life Center except summer dates spanning Memorial Day through Labor Day.
*Wednesday Evening Children’s Programs are typically 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
*Wednesday evening Adult Bible Study and Prayer Meeting begins at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center.
*For the full listing every month, go to our Calendar Page
Our Location and How to Get Around Our Campus
We are conveniently located off Ribaut Road at the main gate of the Beaufort Naval Hospital. We have ample parking regardless of which entrance you prefer. Guests have special, marked parking at the entrance to the Worship Center. This is our Campus Map.
Church Size, Culture and Typical Sunday Morning Service
We are what most people would call a “medium-sized” church. Our church family rejects the notion that a formal dress code is required to attend worship services. We are multi-cultural and have younger and older members. Our congregation is a mix of active-duty military, retired military, government employees, new and old Beaufort County locals. We don’t do anything to single you out but, as our guest, you should expect hospitality. Our 11:00 am Sunday Worship Service is a blend of traditional and contemporary music followed by a biblical message. Children ages 5 – 10 are dismissed for Children’s Church at the opening of Worship Service when announced. An invitation to publicly profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and/or to request membership closes each service around noon.
Our Purpose
We believe that we exist to connect people to Christ, their Community, and their Calling. We accomplish this by providing a wide variety of dynamic opportunities to exercise our faith with our church family at our church and in the community. Our Vision is to never see the sunset on the kingdom ministry of Port Royal Baptist Church.
Ready to Volunteer?
Many opportunities exist for non-members and new members. Some are established and others will exist in the future. We love to hear new ideas. Contact Us Now, Below.