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Effective Date: July 15th, 2015





Moderator:  The Pastor, as Moderator, shall preside at all business meetings of the church.  In the absence or incapacity of the Pastor, his duties shall be performed by the Assistant Pastor or the Chairman of Deacons.  It shall be the duty of the Moderator to see that the stated meetings of the church are held regularly and that required reports are submitted to the church by the various officers, committees, and organizations of the church.  He shall be an ex officio member of all groups.      


Clerk:  It shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the minutes and maintain copies in the Church Office of all regular and special business meetings of the church; to notify, in writing or otherwise, all persons of their election or appointment to any office or committee of the church; and to perform such other duties as the church may request.  


Assistant Clerk:  The Assistant Church Clerk will perform the duties of the Clerk in the event of his or her absence or incapacity.  


Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall disburse all funds according to the budget adopted by the church.  He or she shall file receipts as vouchers and at each regular business meeting shall make a full statement of the financial condition of the church.  All records of deposit shall be turned over to the Church Treasurer for record purposes and accounting.  


Assistant Treasurer:  The Assistant Treasurer will assist the Treasurer in his duties and assume the duties of the Treasurer in the event of his or her absence or incapacity.  


Trustees:  The Trustees shall consist of three members and shall be elected officers of the church, serving for such period as the church may designate.  They shall have title to the church property and shall perform such duties as are required by law, subject to the approval of the church.  Titles and such important papers will be kept in a safety deposit box to be provided by the church.  


The Church Council:  The Church Council shall be composed of the Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Minister of Religious Education, Minister of Music, Minister of Youth, Chairman of the  Deacons, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Director of Sunday School, Director of Discipleship Training, Director of the Woman’s Missionary Union, Director of the Men’s Ministry, Director of Outreach Ministry, Children’s Church Director, and the Praise Group Director.  Its task shall be to coordinate the whole program of the church.  


Church Librarian:  The Church Librarian shall be elected annually by the church.  It shall be the duty of the Librarian to build and maintain an adequate church library.  Library staff members may be elected by the church to assist the Church Librarian.


COMMITTEES   All Committees are elected for a period of one year unless otherwise stated.  


Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee shall consist of six members.  A rotation plan will be followed in which two new members will be elected by the church each year. The Treasurer and Assistant will serve on this committee in addition to the six members.  The Sunday School Director, Discipleship Training Director, Woman’s Missionary Union Director, the Men’s Ministry Director, and other Directors, Ministries, Organizations, and Committees shall submit budget request forms.  The Finance Committee shall prepare an itemized budget covering the estimated expenses of the church based on these requests for the ensuing year, and shall present it to the church on two consecutive Wednesday nights prior to its adoption.  The fiscal year of the church shall be January 1 through December 31. [Finance Comm., Fiscal Year, as amended Aug. 27, 2007.]  


Church Nominating Committee:  The Church Nominating Committee shall consist of at least four members elected by the church.  The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be: (1) To nominate the Directors of Sunday School, Discipleship Training, Woman’s Missionary Union, Men’s Ministry, and Youth Ministry and to serve with them to nominate all officers and teachers of church organizations. (2) To present nominations for all other standing committees.  


Church Music Committee:  The Music Committee shall consist of at least three members elected by the church.  This committee shall assist the Minister of Music, the Organist, and the Pianist in promoting the music program of the church.  


Building and Grounds Committee:  The Building and Grounds Committee shall consist of at least three persons, elected by the church, who shall have charge of the property of the church.  They shall see that it is kept in good repair and, when the amount does not exceed five hundred dollars on any given repair, shall order such expenditures as it shall deem necessary.  Expenditures for amounts exceeding five hundred dollars shall be referred to the Finance Committee for presentation to the church with approval of both. This committee shall also have the responsibility of reviewing requests from church members for the use of church property off the church grounds.  Requests from non-church members will not be considered. Signs and plaques will only be placed on the Church property at the discretion of this committee.  


Lord’s Supper Committee:  The Lord’s Supper Committee shall consist of at least four persons elected by the church.  This committee shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining the necessary services.  


Baptismal Committee:  The Baptismal Committee shall consist of at least four persons elected by the church.  It shall consist of two men and two women who will assist in preparation for the service and help the baptismal candidates during the service.  


Pastor’s Supply Committee: [Deleted by amendment, May 16, 2007.]  


Pulpit Committee:  The Pulpit Committee shall consist of a Chairman and at least four persons nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church.  When the committee has been elected, it shall proceed prayerfully to look for a Pastor whom the committee members can and will unanimously recommend to the church.  The term of this committee will be concluded when a Pastor has been secured.      


Personnel Committee:    Composition:  The Personnel Committee shall consist of four (4) church members, at least one (1) of whom shall be from the Deacons Council. The Pastor shall recommend the four (4) members to the Nominating Committee for their consideration and presentation to the church for election. The Pastor shall be an ex officio member of this committee. Principal Function: The principal function of this committee is to assist the church and the Pastor in administrative matters related to all employed personnel, both Called Staff (e.g., Pastor, Associate Pastor, Minister of Music / Youth, etc.) and Support Staff (Secretary / Ministry Assistant, Custodian / Housekeeper, etc.).


Duties: In consultation with the Pastor, the duties of this committee include the following: 1. Bring to the attention of the Deacon Council any special, critical needs of any of the employees of the church, both Called and Support Staff members. 2. Prepare, review, and update all job descriptions annually. 3. Develop and recommend policies and procedures for all employed personnel, to be included in the Personnel Policies of the Church Policies and Procedures Manual. 4. Assess job performance of each staff member at least annually. 5. Study and recommend to the church the need for new staff positions. 6. Prepare and recommend to the Finance Committee annually a salaries schedule, benefits provisions, and accountable reimbursement plan for the staff (both Called and Support). 7. Recruit, interview, and select new Support Staff employees. Support Staff does not have to be members of the church. 8. Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, it shall be the duty of this committee to dismiss any Support Staff employee who becomes unsuitable in his or her work or becomes involved in activities or lifestyle slanderous or detrimental to the life, work, ministries, and witness of the church. [Personnel Committee: As Amended, June 18, 2008]  


Publicity Committee:  A Publicity Committee of at least three persons may be elected by the church to assist the church staff and organizations in publicizing activities of the church.  


Associational Executive Committee Representative:  This Representative will be elected by the church and it shall be his or her duty, in cooperation with the Associational leaders, to encourage the church in planning and sponsoring the work of the Association.  


Flower Committee:  The Flower Committee shall consist of at least three members elected by the church.  This committee will be responsible for securing flowers for the regular church services and for sending flowers in case of the death of a church member or his/her spouse or his/her children.  


Kitchen Committee:  The Kitchen Committee shall consist of at least six persons elected by the church who shall be responsible for formulating policies of the kitchen as well as supervising the services rendered to the church through the kitchen.  The committee shall make clear to all church members the policies for the use and care of the kitchen and its equipment.  


Bereavement Committee:  The Bereavement Committee shall consist of at least five members elected by the church.  This committee will be responsible for coordinating the support given to the person(s) concerned during his or her time of bereavement or need.  


Nursery Committee:  The Nursery Committee shall consist of at least four members elected by the church including the Sunday Worship Services Coordinators and the Sunday School Coordinator.  It will be the duty of this committee to ensure the consistent operation of the nursery and to publish rules for all services of the nursery.  


Auditing Committee:  The Auditing Committee shall consist of at least three members elected by the church.  This committee shall audit the financial records of the church.  This audit shall be made annually and at such times as directed by the Finance Committee.  The annual report of the Auditing Committee shall be made at the October business meeting.  


Counting Committee:  The Counting Committee shall consist of at least six members elected by the church.  This committee is responsible for counting and depositing monies after each Sunday’s services.  


Recreation Committee:  The Recreation Committee shall consist of at least four persons elected by the church.  As far a possible, the various church organizations shall be represented on this committee.  It shall be the duty of this committee to assist the various organizations of the church in planning recreational activities according to the plan adopted by the church.  


Fellowship/Social Committee:  The Fellowship/Social Committee shall consist of at least four members elected by the church.  This committee is responsible for planning and carrying through with all social functions of the church including but not limited to fellowships, Christmas parties, homecomings, etc.  


Audio/Visual Service Committee:  This committee shall consist of at least four members elected by the church.  At least two of these members should have knowledge of the Church Sound System.  It shall be the duty of this committee to coordinate the program of audio-visual services of the church and to make recommendations for budget planning purposes.  


Constitution Committee:  This committee will consist of at least five members elected by the church and representing a cross-section of the church membership.  It shall be called in session by the Chairman on matters pertaining to the church constitution.  


Usher Ministry:  The Usher Ministry shall consist of approximately eight members elected by the church.  They will have the responsibility of electing their own officers, planning their work, and recommending any new ushers to the Nominating Committee for church approval.  The ushers’ ministry will perform their duties at all worship services of the church and shall be elected annually.   ***The Church shall have the authority to elect any other committee deemed necessary by the body for any special purpose.  These committees shall be elected by a simple majority at any regular or special business meeting.***



ORGANIZATIONS All elected organizational positions are for a term of one year unless otherwise stated. Non-Southern Baptist literature will not be used in the Port Royal Baptist Church unless approved by the Organizational or Group Director and the Pastor.  


The Sunday School shall be administered as follows:  There shall be a Sunday School Director, an Assistant Director, such other Assistant Directors as shall be deemed necessary, and a Sunday School Secretary. Departmental Directors, Officers, Teachers, and other workers shall be provided for all the necessary departments of the Sunday School. The officers and teachers of the Sunday School shall be nominated by the nominating committee.  However, the nominating committee shall first nominate the Departmental Directors and Coordinators and they shall assist in selecting the Officers and Teachers in their respective department.  These shall be elected by the church for a term of one year at the August business meeting or at a special business meeting. There should be a monthly or quarterly officers and teachers meeting.  The Sunday School Director shall make quarterly and annual reports to the church. Sunday School literature shall be approved by the Sunday School Director and the Pastor. All duly elected officers and teachers shall be members of this church.    


Discipleship Training shall be administered as follows:  There shall be a Discipleship Training Director and other Officers as deemed necessary for the various Discipleship Training Departments.  All officers shall be nominated by the full nominating committee and elected by the church for a term of one year at the August business meeting or a special business meeting.  The Discipleship Training Director shall make a quarterly and annual report to the church.  All duly elected officers and leaders shall be members of this church.  


             The Missionary Organizations of the church shall consist of the Woman’s Missionary Union, the Men’s Ministry, and Auxiliary groups.  The Director of the Woman’s Missionary Union and The Director of the Men’s Ministry shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee, and elected by the church at the August business meeting or at a special business meeting.  These various organizations shall elect their own officers.  


             The Praise Group shall consist of a Director nominated by the nominating committee and elected by the church at the August business meeting or at a special business meeting. The Praise Group is responsible for activities and programs relating to Senior Adults (over fifty years of age).  This group shall elect its own officers.


             The Children’s Church Ministry shall consist of a Director nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church at the August business meeting or at a special business meeting.  The Director is responsible for planning and implementing activities for children during certain scheduled Sunday Morning Services.  He or she is also responsible for obtaining workers for this endeavor.


             The Youth Ministry or Youth Council shall consist of approximately five members elected by the church.  These members shall be the Youth Sunday School teachers, Discipleship Training teachers, or others who work with Youth in regularly scheduled activities.  The Youth shall elect approximately three members from each class to serve with the church-elected Council.  This Council shall work to keep the Youth of the church informed and shall work with the Minister of Youth and/or Minister of Music in planning and coordinating activities for the Youth.



             The Outreach Ministry shall consist of a Director elected by the church.  It shall include Outreach Leaders from Sunday School and Discipleship Training that are elected by the church as part of those organizations.  It may also include any others selected or appointed by the Director to assist in the Ministry. The duty of this organization is to organize and implement Visitation programs and any other programs to assist the church in winning souls to the Kingdom of God, first; then as members of our church. Members of this Ministry should exhibit a passion for the Lost and the Un-churched. 



  1. Church policies and procedures for such as Deacon Ministry, Facilities, Finances, General Administration, Ministries, Personnel, etc. shall be delineated in the Policies and Procedures Manual. A master copy of the manual shall be kept in the church office; copies shall be made available to any member of the church. The manual shall be maintained by the Church Secretary. Changes (additions, deletions, amendments, etc.) shall be duly recorded, including the date of the change.


  1. Provisions set forth in this manual shall comply with the Constitution / Bylaws. If conflicting provisions do occur, the Constitution / Bylaws shall prevail over the Policies and Procedures Manual.


  1. Any church member, organization, or committee may present proposed changes to the Church Council. The Church Council shall review suggested changes in consultation with appropriate staff, organization heads, committees, or ministry groups. Upon review and/or recommendation by the Church Council, changes to the manual may be approved by the church at a regular or special conference by a simple majority of those present and voting. Changes in the manual that require amendments to the Constitution / Bylaws shall be reviewed by the Constitution / Bylaws Committee before final presentation to the church for approval.[Policies and Procedures Manual, as amended May 16, 2007]

List of Amendments since January 16, 2002

  Note: On a date after January 16, 2002, but before December 2005 the Bylaws were amended to provide the Fiscal Year to be October 1 through September 30. This amendment was never made in the copies of the Constitution / Bylaws that were being distributed. On August 27, 2007 (see below), the Bylaws (COMMITTEES: Finance Committee) were amended to provide the Fiscal Year to be January 1 through December 31.


May 16, 2007:

  1. Constitution: Art. VI. Sec. 11. Deacons.

  2. Bylaws: Committees: Deleted “Pastor’s Supply Committee” (this assigned to the Deacons; see Deacon Guidelines in Policies & Procedures Manual.

  3. Bylaws: Added authorization for Policies & Procedures Manual


August 27, 2007:

  1. Bylaws: Finance Committee – amended Fiscal Year to be From January 1 through December 31.


February 20, 2008:

  1. Constitution: Art. VII. Sec. 3. (c) Business Meeting: amended to be on 3rd Wed. of the first month in each quarter; provided possibility to reschedule for compelling reasons; deleted 2nd Wed. of each Aug. as a regular business meeting.


June 18, 2008:

  1. Personnel Committee: PRBC amended the Bylaws (COMMITTEES: Personnel Committee) in Special Business Meeting on June 18, 2008, by substituting the following in place of the former provisions: Personnel Committee: Composition:  The Personnel Committee shall consist of four (4) church members, at least one (1) of whom shall be from the Deacons Council. The Pastor shall recommend the four (4) members to the Nominating Committee for their consideration and presentation to the church for election. The Pastor shall be an ex officio member of this committee. Principal Function: The principal function of this committee is to assist the church and the Pastor in administrative matters related to all employed personnel, both Called Staff (e.g., Pastor, Associate Pastor, Minister of Music / Youth, etc.) and Support Staff (Secretary / Ministry Assistant, Custodian / Housekeeper, etc.). Duties: In consultation with the Pastor, the duties of this committee include the following:

  2. Bring to the attention of the Deacon Council any special, critical needs of any of the employees of the church, both Called and Support Staff members.

  3. Prepare, review, and update all job descriptions annually.

  4. Develop and recommend policies and procedures for all employed personnel, to be included in the Personnel Policies of the Church Policies and Procedures Manual.

  5. Assess job performance of each staff member at least annually.

  6. Study and recommend to the church the need for new staff positions.

  7. Prepare and recommend to the Finance Committee annually a salaries schedule, benefits provisions, and accountable reimbursement plan for the staff (both Called and Support).

  8. Recruit, interview, and select new Support Staff employees. Support Staff do not have to be members of the church.

  9. Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, it shall be the duty of this committee to dismiss any Support Staff employee who becomes unsuitable in his or her work or becomes involved in activities or lifestyle slanderous or detrimental to the life, work, ministries, and witness of the church.

  —Approved in Special Business Meeting, June 18, 2008        


July 15th, 2015: Constitution: Title revised to read “Constitution/Bylaws”

  1. Art. II ( Autonomy) added.

  2. Previous Art. II changed to Art. III and renamed (Vision/Purpose).

         Vision and Purpose Statement added.

  1. Art. IV (Statement of Faith) added.

  2. Previous Art. III (Church Covenant) changed to Art. V

         Language of the Church Covenant updated.

  1. Previous Art. IV changed to Art. VI and renamed (Membership) with

         Previous Faith, Practice, and Church Policy removed.          Previous Art. V (Membership) removed.

  1. Article VI (Membership) revised by including the following:

        Section 1. Qualifications         Section 2. Reception         Section 3. Termination         Section 4. Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Previous Art. VI (Officers) changed to Art. VII

  2. Previous Art. VII (Church Organization) changed to Art. VIII

  3. Previous Art. VIII (Conventions, Revivals, Vacations, Sick Leave)

        changed to Art. IX

  1. Art. X (Definition of Marriage) added.

  2. Previous Art. IX (Church Socials, Weddings, Receptions, Concerts)

         changed to Art. XI. Revised to ensure rental of facilities does not conflict with Definition of Marriage.

  1. Previous Art. X (Voting) changed to Art. XII

  2. Previous Art. XI (Amendments) changed to Art. XIII

  Bylaws: (Membership) removed and included in Constitution Art. VI.


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