Discover God's Power and Plan Through Uncompromised Teaching.

Adult Missions
Kid's Sunday School Director, Sam McFee
Birth – 2-year-olds, Classroom: A19,
Teachers: Brenda Graham & Leah Way
2 and 3-year-olds, Classroom A16,
Teacher: Val Hicks
4 and 5-year-olds, Classroom A20,
Teacher: Cindy Fogleman
1st and 2nd Grade, Classroom A9,
Teacher: Iris Oliver
3rd through 5th Grade, Classroom A11,
Teacher: Glenda Gary

To have the greatest impact on our community, we encourage every member and church participant to be involved in community ministry and church ministry. Many opportunities exist that need your skills, interests, and/or experiences.
You can find details of each opportunity in our weekly bulletin. You may volunteer for any of the opportunities listed by filling out the form below. In the "I Volunteered For" box, please include the event(s) you wish to participate in. The email address you provide will only be used to contact you and will not be used for another purpose.
To have the greatest impact on our community, we encourage every member and church participant to be involved in community ministry and church ministry. Many opportunities exist that need your skills, interests, and/or experiences.
You can find details of each opportunity in our weekly bulletin. You may volunteer for any of the opportunities listed by filling out the form below. In the "I Volunteered For" box, please include the event(s) you wish to participate in. The email address you provide will only be used to contact you and will not be used for another purpose.
To have the greatest impact on our community, we encourage every member and church participant to be involved in community ministry and church ministry. Many opportunities exist that need your skills, interests, and/or experiences.
You can find details of each opportunity in our weekly bulletin. You may volunteer for any of the opportunities listed by filling out the form below. In the "I Volunteered For" box, please include the event(s) you wish to participate in. The email address you provide will only be used to contact you and will not be used for another purpose.
To have the greatest impact on our community, we encourage every member and church participant to be involved in community ministry and church ministry. Many opportunities exist that need your skills, interests, and/or experiences.
You can find details of each opportunity in our weekly bulletin. You may volunteer for any of the opportunities listed by filling out the form below. In the "I Volunteered For" box, please include the event(s) you wish to participate in. The email address you provide will only be used to contact you and will not be used for another purpose.